Chapter 2: A Girl Named Suzune Minazuki

TL: Akabane


I came home and found myself on the living room sofa with my head in my hands.

There was no way Suzune was reading my sensual novel.

Because it's a sensual novel, you know? It's impossible for Suzune to be reading a sensual novel, which is a rather hard one, about an incestuous sibling whom her friend cuckolds.

At least, the Suzune I know is not the kind of girl who likes to read such things.

Suzune is the most ladylike girl in the school, a girl of the utmost beauty and cleanliness, whose sweet fragrance wafts through the air just by passing by. Why should such a girl have to read such a dirty novel written by me, a dull virgin?

To her, my novel must be such a vulgar novel that she would want to cover her ears just to hear the title.

Thinking about it, I began to feel that what happened this morning was some kind of misunderstanding.

Yes, that's right. It can't be true.

As I was telling myself this, the living room door suddenly opened. Assuming that no one was home, I was so startled that I dropped the phone I was holding on the floor.

When I looked at the door, I saw Miyuki, my younger sister, holding a shopping bag. And on the phone that I dropped, the editorial page of my sensual novel is displayed with all my might. I hurriedly picked up the phone and hid it in my pocket.

"Oh, Onii-chan. You're home?"

Miyuki tilted her head curiously at my too awkward and unnatural attitude. Then, as if suddenly noticing something, she narrowed her eyes and looked at me suspiciously.

"Onii-chan, you look kind of suspicious......."

"Suspicious? Well, I don't know what you mean."

"Onii-chan, you've got some kind of weird look in your eyes. ......"

"Well, I'm feeling sad to hear you call the precious eyes my parents gave me a "dirty eyes"."

"I'm mad at you for calling that precious eyes."

"That's too bad. I'm so sorry, but I inherited this bawdy eye from my father."

"Ugh ...... can't argue with that. ......"

Apparently, she suspects that I was secretly looking at adult sites on my phone.

But that's a complete misunderstanding. I am not a viewer of adult sites. I am a creator of that adult content. But since such an excuse would inevitably bring more scorn from my sister, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

Miyuki stared at me for a while with her eyes as if she was looking at something dirty, but suddenly she sighed "haa ......" and came into the living room. Then she mumbles as if giving up something and walks to the kitchen, "I'll get angry if you look at Suzune with those ehty eyes. ......"

Suzune? Oh, by the way......

And that's when I remember that Suzune is coming to our house today to learn how to make sweets from Miyuki. And at the same time I remembered, another person came into the living room.

It's Suzune. Suzune had a shopping bag hanging in her hand as well as Miyuki. She smiles slightly when she sees me.

It's cute .......

I can't help but smile, even if only for a moment, at the fact that I have the school's idol, Suzune Minazuki's smile all to myself.


But, as if seeing through my heart, Miyuki sharply restrains me with a sharp gaze.

"Senpai, I'm sorry to bother you today."

I replied like the head of the family, "Ah, well, you can use it as your home," but at the same time I was convinced.

I knew this morning was some kind of mistake.

There was no way she could be reading my sensual novels with such an angelic smile on her face. I must have been mistaken. It must be so. Or, rather, let's hope so.

And then, Miyuki unexpectedly came up to me.

"Look, look, from now on this living room is forbidden to boys. You should back to your room."

I did as I was told and left the room. I got up from the couch and tried to cross Suzune to leave the living room.

"I'll do my best to make cookies for you, Senpai."

Suzune then looked up at me and said so.

"For me?"

"Don't you like sweets much, Senpai?"

"No, I don't mean that... I mean, is it okay for me to eat them?"

"Yes, if you don't mind, I'd like Senpai to taste it too."

"Thank you. I'll look forward to it.

The girl who had looked a little anxious when I answered that regained her smile and nodded a small "yes!"


After returning to my room, I decided to work on the latest story of my sensual novel, which I had already finished writing yesterday. After spending an hour or so making minor changes to the dialogue and correcting typos and omissions, I hit the "submit" button.

My eyes were completely tired from staring at the LCD, so I leaned back against the desk and closed my eyes. Then, after about five minutes of resting in a daze, I suddenly heard a notification sound from my phone.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked down at my phone to see the words, [Your novel has been commented on.] I hurriedly picked up my phone and tapped the notification.

I was surprised at the rapidity of the feedback, but I read it on with slight trepidation at the critical feedback.

[Dear Non-sama. I have read your latest story. It was again very interesting and yet very stimulating. I myself felt as if I were Haruka, and although I am ashamed to admit it, I was a little excited. I am looking forward to reading your next story.]

Fortunately, there were favorable comments in the impression column, and I patted my chest. After all, there is nothing more gratifying than writing a novel and being praised for your own work. I tried to scroll down the screen to the comments section to write a reply before I forget this joy.

But then I realized that there was more to the story.

[P.S. Actually, my brother's best friend may have found out today that I am reading your work. I love your work, but I'm still a little embarrassed if that boys think I'm a naughty girl. ......]

The moment I read that sentence, I felt the blood drain from my face.

Wait a minute ...... I have too much in mind for that impression .......

The person who wrote that comment was a regular reader who has been writing to me every chapter with great enthusiasm. I only just found out that she was a woman, but that's not important at this point.

What matters is the fact that her brother's best friend has found out that she reads sensual novels!

This morning, I happened to see what looked like my novel on Suzune's phone. And Suzune is my best friend's sister!

Can I call this a coincidence? No, the Internet is connected to the whole world. In the wide world, this level of coincidence may be possible. But I wonder if such a coincidence is so common. ......

No, I can't seem to stop my heart from pounding.

No, but wait a minute. Suzune must be working on baking sweets in the kitchen of my house right now. With Miyuki next door, how is it possible for her to read my work and then write such a long comment?

Yes, it's impossible. So I told myself that this was just a coincidence.

That's what I told myself. No, it is no exaggeration to say that I could not keep a normal mind without telling myself that.

I chanted in my head, "Calm down, Ryutaro. Calm down" and opened the reply column.

[Dear Suzu-sama...]

After writing that much, I realized that the account name of this reader who always writes feedback to me is "Suzu".

Suzu ...... Suzu ...... Suzune .......

No, no, it's a coincidence. It must be.

I type my reply with a trembling hand.

[Dear Suzu, Thanks for your immediate feedback. I am glad I could meet your expectations. There will be more developments in the next chapter, so please stay tuned.]

Up to this point, it was a canned reply. Below that sentence I type 'P.S.'

[Surely that's embarrassing. I suggest you read it alone from now on.]

I typed that and tapped the reply button. I put my phone down after confirming that my new reply appears in the "Comments" section.

But then, not even five minutes later, I hear another notification on my phone.

[Your novel has been commented on.]

That's what it said. I fearfully tap the notification button. I am astonished at the impression written there.

[Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Actually, I am now at the house of my brother's friend. I'm a little scared, but I'll go check with him to see if he knows...]


And then, someone knocked on my door. I almost fell out of my chair. and almost slid off my chair.

"Onii-chan, can I open the door?"

I sat back in my chair, slightly relieved to hear Miyuki's voice on the other side of the door.

"Sure. Open it on your own."

I replied, and the door slowly opened. And the person who appeared in front of the door wasn't Miyuki ...... but Suzune.


At my surprised face, Suzune's eyes widened as if she was also a little surprised. But why? Her cheeks seemed to be slightly flushed.

"What's wrong?"

When I asked her that, Suzune looked a little puzzled and held the wrapping paper she had hidden behind her back against her chest with both hands as if to press it against her chest.

"Suzune-chan wants Onii-chan to eat the cookies. So she want to give you a taste."

And that's when Miyuki popped up from behind Suzune's back.

"Oh, by the way......."

Did she mention earlier that she was going to make one for her senpai? To be honest, I don't have the time to be looking forward to Suzune's cookies right now, I had completely forgotten about it.

"May I come in?"

She asked, to which I replied, "Sure," and Suzune entered the room. She was wearing her own apron with a rabbit printed on it over her school uniform, which suited her well.

It was the Suzune I knew. She is the same pure, innocent, and clean girl that I have always known.

But she is reading my sensual novels. In fact, while making those cookies she is holding, her mind might be full of sensual novels. Who can imagine such a thing?

The image of Suzune Minazuki in my mind was about to fall apart with a sound.