Chapter 23: The Mafia And A Desperate Situation

TL: Akabane



I screamed in bed the next morning. But Miyuki, who was sleeping next to me, glared at my scream and said, "Oh my God, you're so annoying!"

By the way, I don't remember inviting Miyuki into my room, but for some reason, she is sleeping next to me every morning when I wake up.

But let's leave it at that.

The reason I screamed is because I was looking at my phone while rubbing my sleepy eyes.

No. 1 "NTR my best friend's sister."

I'm back!!!!!!!

My novel is back in first place. Since Aoyama has been taking the number one spot for a long time now, I'm extremely happy.

At the same time, however, I have a bit of mixed feelings when I think of Aoayama, who must have continued to write while suffering from a fever.


And at that moment, this time, Miyuki's exclamation is heard from next door.

No, it's really a lively household. I look at Miyuki and ask, "What's wrong?" She hides her phone in her hand under the covers and shakes her head, "N-Nothing."

I knew that it was apparently something related to sensual novels. It's best not to pursue it too deeply here.

But then I notice that Miyuki is mumbling something.

What is this guy mumbling about? The moment I understood her words, my heart froze.

"I won't forgive you ...... I won't forgive you ...... I won't forgive you ...... Iwon't forgive you ...... I won't forgive you Konon because you're ..... kicking Usa-sensei off......"

This is bad......

It seems that Miyuki's exclamation was a grudge against her favorite artist, Usa Mochizuki, for giving up the number one spot to someone like Konon, who has no idea what kind of a horse he is.

No, Miyuki......

But, of course, However, of course Miyuki doesn't know that the resentful criminal was right next to her, and she hugged him too, while saying, "Onii-chan's body is warm."

Stop it ...... I don't feel like living anymore......

I got off the bed, dragging Miyuki who hugged me, reaffirming that even if I die, I cannot let my sister find out who this Konon-sensei is.


Apparently, Suzune is busy preparing for the election today and is leaving early. Oh well, the voting for the election will start soon.

So I won't be going to school with Suzune today.

As the election draws near, the chances of Suzune giving me a trophy are getting fewer and fewer. Although I have regained the first place, the fact that Aoyama was sick in bed with a cold is probably a major factor in today's regaining the first place. There is a great possibility that Aoyama will come back from her fever to take the first place again.

I have to keep my heads in the game.

"Kill Konon ...... Kill Konon......"

That's right.......

Is it my imagination that my cute little sister who has been walking around clinging to my arm since a while ago is mumbling something very noisy.....?


I fearfully ask her, and she looks up at me with a huff and says something like that to me with an adorable smile on her face now, "Onii-chan, good luck with your studies today, too."

Is this what you call gap moe? No, it's not......

"Oh, oh ...... I'll do my best ......."

I reply in a trembling voice, and suddenly, Miyuki calls me, "Hey, Onii-chan......."

"What's wrong......?"

"That's Suzune-chan's dad, right?"

Saying that, she casually turned around while clinging to my arm. Then there was indeed a mafia figure there.

"Hey, I feel like he's staring at us. ......Is it my imagination?"

"Huh? .....Hiccup!"

Indeed, Miyuki is right, that mafia clearly seems to be staring at us. No, to be more precise, he is clearly glaring at me.

That's when I had a hiccup.

I'm sure that the mafia doesn't know that we are supposed to be blood relatives ....... the man who was supposed to be friendly with her daughter is flirting with another girl. It's not hard to imagine what the mafia would think when he see me like this.

The mafia stared at me with a look of shock. The look on his face made me stop. Then, the mafia gradually walks toward us.

Oh no, I'm going to be ...... killed.

And then the mafia stops in front of me.

"Oh, good morning ...... sir......"

I try to greet him with a drawn out smile, knowing I can't.

"Is there anything you want to say?"

Ah ...... I knew the mafia was going to bust me up. The proof of this is that the mafia is sticking his right hand inside his suit.

I've had fantasies like how I'm going to die, but I never thought I'd be shot to death.

I wait for the moment with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face, a look that would surprise even an Academy Award winning leading actor.

Of course, I'm leaking a little pee.

The mafia pulls his arm out of his suit.

And what was in his hand was.......

"Eh, that is?"

The thing in his hand was like a small card. Are handguns made of paper nowadays? What a thought, and he held the paper out to me.

"This is me. Remember it."

I look down at the paper. On it is written, "Editor-in-Chief of the Bijobijo Bunko, Shoichi Minazuki."

"My daughter has told me about you, and I've read some of your works. I'm sure I'll be dealing with you in many ways from now on. I look forward to working with you."

"Eh? Oh, oh......."

And that's when I realized. This mafia seems to be the editor-in-chief of "Bijobijo Bunko". And "Bijibijo Bunko" is one of the major sensual novel labels!

Then I remembered.

Come to think of it, Suzune, if it's on the cover for a month, it could be published as a book or something, right?

"I wonder if my daughter has told you the details?"

"Huh? Oh, well, a little bit......."

"I spoke to you today to introduce myself for the time being. I'll be in touch soon."

"Yes, yes......."

No way! He's the editor of a sensual fiction label?! Such a strong-looking guy!

No, I can't connect his appearance with the "Bijobijo Bunko" at all. No, but, is this old man a pervert?

I was puzzled by the sheer volume of information, when Miyuki, who had been clinging to my arm until then, looked up at me curiously.

"Onii-chan ...... what are you talking about? Onii-chan and Suzune-chan's dad know each other?"

She asks. Well, I guess so. If I didn't know anything about him, this conversation must make no sense.

While I was trying to figure out how to answer her question, the mafia looked at me and said, "From now on, I'm going to call you by your pen name." which made the blood drain from my face.

No, that's not good. ......It's indeed not good. ......I'm sure that if Miyuki finds out my pen name, she'll kill me for sure.

"I'm sorry, I've forgotten. I think your pen name is......"

"No, no, it's okay to use my real name for now! My name is Ryutaro Mamoru! Thank you very much!"

I bowed deeply to the mafia.

Please ...... please ...... don't mention this Konon's name!!!

I wondered if my thoughts were understood, and the Mafia said, "Well, whatever. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing you from now on."

That was short-lived.

"By the way, why are you walking so closely with other girl when you have a woman named Suzune?"

He suddenly asked me, and the blood drained from my face again.

"Eh? No, no ...... she is ...... my sister....."

I tried to explain, but the mafia didn't seem to get it. The mafia stares at me with sharp eyes.

"Siblings? You think it's normal to walk around flirting like that with your own sister?"

"Well, um, we're good friends......."

I reply, but the mafia is still staring at me.



And suddenly, the mafia blushes and screams as his cheeks blush, and my eyes almost pop out of my head.

"Jeez, making out with his own sister while also making out with my daughter! Oh my God!!'

"Um, father?"

"Don't call me father! His girlfriend and his own sister are fighting over him! Oh my God!"

No way. ......You're excited about this.....?

The mafia squeezes his chest and writhes while continues to chant.

Seeing Mafia like that, I thought to myself.

This man is the child in front of the sensual novel.