Chapter 11: Shelving

TL: Akabane


"Do you want to sniff other parts of my body?" Miyuki suggested, and I ransacked her body with my gaze.

"It's indeed embarrassing if you stare at me so much. ......"

Miyuki looks at her body as if she is licking it and turns her face away from me in embarrassment.

But that kind of girl is also ..... nice.

I'm able to be somewhat bullish thanks to the pervert trophy, and I even enjoy her reaction while I'm shopping around. Skirt? Thighs? Or maybe between her breasts? As I gazed at Miyuki's body with my eyes moving from one place to another, I suddenly heard a voice from heaven.

|| "How about her collarbone?"

With the voice of such a heavenly pervert goddess, my gaze turns to Miyuki's collarbone, hidden by her blouse.

Certainly not bad. It is a little maniacal, but it is attractive.

Then, Miyuki also seemed to notice that I was looking at her collarbone and asked, "Do you like it here?" I nodded repeatedly as she pointed to the collarbone area.

At my nodding, Miyuki was beyond amazed at my proclivities, saying, "Onii-chan is on a very high level, isn't it......," and tried to pull the collar of her blouse down slightly. But just before she did, she noticed something and hurriedly closed the collar.

"I'm embarrassed, wait a minute ......."

As she says this, she puts her hand inside her blouse and touches it around her shoulder. Then she moves it as if to shift something.

This, if this is .......

Apparently, she was embarrassed that I could see the shoulder strap of her. So she seems to have shifted it to around her second arm so that I wouldn't see it, but rather, for me now, that action itself solidifies a new trophy.

Good! That kind of thing is very good!

And once again, Miyuki flips up her collar, exposing her blood-colored shoulders in front of me.

"It's getting a little hot, you might smell the sweat ......."

Miyuki says, but there's no way I'd hesitate to do that now.

|| "Smell of deep Miyuki's sweat ......"

Apparently it was the same for Suzune, and even through the earphones I could feel her gasp.

I exhaled heavily once, as if I was draining all the air from my lungs. Then, I slowly moved my face closer to her collarbone and inhaled all at once the air, which was slightly warmer and raw because of her upturned body.

It's a girl's smell. ......

With these thoughts in my mind, I realize that I am one step closer to the summit of my perversion.

"Ah, you gotta tickle me."

My nose touches her collarbone and she giggles and wriggles. Still, I keep sniffing.


||  "Senpai! Take a picture! Please take a picture quickly!"

Suzune urges me to do so, so I pick up my phone and point the lens at her collarbone.

"Onii-chan, didn't you want a document of my school uniform?"

"Yes, but this is a good resource."

For sensual novels!

With that, I snap the shutter. The shutter sounds like a machine gun from my phone in continuous mode.

Pleasant ...... feeling!

After I finished taking all the pictures, I put my phone on the bed. I then raised my upper body and suddenly saw the full-length mirror that I always use in the corner of my eye.

The reflection in the mirror was of my sister with her school uniform on, and the perverted demon straddling her.


When I saw that, I came back to myself.

Oh ...... this is going to kill me .......


The next morning, I left the house, sharing a very awkward air with Miyuki. I knew to some extent that in the morning I was going to be hit by an intense sage time, and it seems that was the case with Miyuki as well.

We gathered around the dining table for breakfast, and every time her eyes met mine, she would shyly avert her gaze and say, "Hawawa ......."

I think I might have done this .......

Five minutes late from Miyuki, gawking at the breakdown of our sibling relationship, I open the front door and find Suzune at the gate.

"Huh? Aren't you going to school with Miyuki?"

I ask her as I step out of the gate.

"I was going to too, but she told me that my Senpai would be coming out soon, and she went straight ahead."

"Oh ...... I see ......."

It appears that Miyuki has taken care of it.

"Well, last night was ...... very good ......."

And there Suzune says that with a flush on her cheeks, and I have a flashback to last night and want to die again.

"I don't have anything to say, but I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway ......"

But after a moment of dyeing her cheeks, she suddenly makes a huffed face and pulls out her phone, "Senpai, it's more than that." Then she operated something and showed me the phone.

What was displayed there was the ranking of a novel submission site. Well, I was so preoccupied with yesterday that I completely forgot to check the ranking.

The moment I checked the ranking, I understood what she was trying to say.

"Oh my God ...... I've been ranked number one. ......"

In that ranking is my writing, "NTR my best friend's sister." But the first place, which was displayed to the left of it until yesterday, has changed to the second place. And above it, it shows Usa Mochizuki, "My sister has been seducing me since I started dating my cute girlfriend." So that means this piece has lost the first place.

I looked over at her with a wry smile.

"Well, I guess I can still manage a one-day drop in the rankings."

"Yes, but you have to be on your guard. Once the ranking of this site drops, many of the works will drop to the lower ranks. If you aren't careful, you will soon fall off the cover."

She was right. I regularly check the rankings on this site, but as she said, perhaps it is the nature of the site, but once a work drops out of the top ranks, it tends to drop down the ranks. This was certainly not the time to be playing it safe.

"Senpai ...... don't you think it's a little strange?"

"Strange? What are you talking about?"

"It's the work of this Usa Mochizuki."

"I read it yesterday, and I don't think it deserves to be ranked number one. I'm sorry, but I think there are a lot of things I can learn from her, such as her careful description and light-hearted conversation. ......"

"That's not what I meant. ......"

But Suzune shook her head at my response.

"Actually, it seems that the latest chapter was updated this morning ...... but I'm a little bit worried about it's content."


"Yes, it's more like déjà vu, or ......."

Suzune said something ambiguous.

"The girlfriend, who is the main character of this work, suddenly said she was going to run for the student council election."

"Student council election?"

"Yes. ......... doesn't it somehow seem too much of a sign?"

"Sign? I'm sorry, I don't see what you're talking about."

"Senpai are pretty insensitive, aren't they? ......"

Suzune puffed up her cheeks in annoyance at my not understanding the conversation at all.

"Apparently, the rival for the student council election is like the main character's ex-girlfriend. ......"

"So that's how similar the situation is to ours right now?"

Suzune nodded cockily.

It's true that we may be similar. Suzune and I are not in a relationship, but she said she was going to run for the student council election, and a girl I used to be friends with, who is also not my ex-girlfriend, was also going to run for the student council election. The situation is slightly different, but somewhat similar.


"Isn't a student council election a standard event in romantic comedies? I often use student council elections when I'm having trouble developing a story, so it's nothing unusual..."

"Your ex-girlfriend, Tsukina Aoyama, also used to write novels, didn't she?"

"No, she's not my ex-girlfriend."


Apparently, she suspected that Aoyama and I had been together before. She looked up at me a little grimly.

"It's true. But Aoyama says she doesn't write novels anymore."

"Even my Senpai told Aoyama-san that you're not writing now either ......"

Having said all that, I understand what she's trying to say. It seems that she suspects this sensual novelist named Usa Mochizuki to be Tsukina Aoyama.

"Besides, doesn't the main character in this work look somewhat like Senpai? And her sister is also named Misaki, and her personality also seems to be somewhat similar to Miyuki's. Besides, Aoyama-san, she seemed to know about Miyuki-chan as well. ......"

"Well, if you put it that way ...... but if that's the case, then the heroine of this work, the literary girl, is modeled on Suzune-chan, right? But Aoyama hardly knows Suzune-chan, right?"

"What if the model for the heroine is not me, but Aoyama-san herself?"

"That's ......."

Indeed, the heroine of this work, she is a typical literary girl, just like Aoyama used to be. And now that I think about it, her careful description and the feel of her dialogues are not without reminiscence of Aoyama's works.

"Then, I'll show you the definitive proof."

And there, Suzune took control of her phone again and showed me the screen.

"Look at the name of the heroine who newly appeared as the rival of this heroine's election."

"Eh? Let's see ...... Suzune ...... Mina!"

Suzune Mina was displayed there.

"I think the names are indeed too similar. ......"


I am speechless. Indeed, that heroine's name is too similar to Suzune. Minazuki Suzune and Suzune Mina...... No, they look too much alike!

"I'm sure this work is a novel written based on Senpai' siblings, Aoyama-san, and even me."

"You mean that one? You mean that Aoyama is writing a sensual novel about incest based on me and Miyuki?"

"That's what I'm saying. ......"

"You've got to be kidding me! You modeled an incest on someone you know! What kind of a story is that?!"

I was furious, but Suzune reached out her hand and pinched my cheek.

And then...

"Ow, ow, ow!"

I felt a sharp pain on my cheek.

Yes, it hurt ...... but maybe it's not so bad .......

"Which mouth is talking like that? It looks like you need a little punishment for the Senpai who puts himself on the shelf. ......"

"Fuu, Fuuimahen ...... (Su, Sumimasen......)."

Suzune was miffed and pinched my cheek, but finally released her fingers from my cheek, commenting, "Senpai's cheeks are surprisingly soft and plump......."

"And anyway, if this continues, Senpai's novel will continue to fall......"

"Yeah, that's true, but ...... I'm still doing my best to update it every day, you know?"

"I understand your hard work. So I have an idea ......."

With that, she began to tell me the whole plan.