Chapter 18. Birthday Approaching

TL: Akabane


I heard the footsteps of May.

It was dinner time.  I was eating a hamburger steak while thinking in a daze when Sana waved her hand in front of my face.


"I'm just curious because you're so spaced out.  Are you tired, brother?"

"I'm not tired.  I'm just spaced out."

"You need to get your strength up or you won't make it through the summer."

"I'll be in an air-conditioned room all summer, so it won't be a problem."

"You might fall down on the way to school.  Do you want me to accompany you on your run?"

"That's exactly what you'll do.  Forget about me, eat your dinner."

"I can't concentrate because I'm worried about you."

I'm sure she's impressed by the taste of Mom's hamburgers.

"Mom's hamburgers are the best, you know."

"Really, really!  Mom is the best!"

Without joining in the lively conversation, I once again become spaced out.

The reason I'm in a daze is because I'm thinking about something.

Yuzu's birthday is coming up.

I had once skipped a birthday before, and got really pissed off about it.

I bought a cake a day late and said I would take her anywhere she wanted, but it took her several days to get back in a good mood.

It's not the main reason our marriage has cooled off, but it's definitely one of the causes.

Of course, we are not a couple now.  I don't think I'd be that upset that my friends didn't celebrate my birthday, but I don't think I'd go through with it when I remember......correctly.

"You're spacing out again."

"I'm just tasting my mom's hamburger."

"Oh my, that's rare.  You want me to increase your allowance, don't you?"

"It's not like that.  But I'd be more than happy if you give me an increase......."

"I'll consider it positively."


It's awkward to prepare a special gift like you would for a girlfriend, because it seems like you're aware of it, but there shouldn't be anything strange about celebrating a friend's birthday.

If you congratulate them in a light-hearted way, they will be honestly happy.

If I decide to do that, I'll have to prepare a present.

"I've decided.  I'll increase Kohei's allowance by 500 yen."

"You made your decision so fast!"

"I was so happy when Kohei said he was savoring it."

"Mother! Me too! I praised you too!

"I'll give you 500 yen more."

"Yay! I'm a millionaire!"

Next to the excited Sana, I was enjoying a delicious hamburger steak.


The next day after school.

As I left the classroom and passed through the school gate, Yuzu ran up to me.

"What are you doing today?"

Yuzu and I have become friends, but we don't talk much on school.

It's because it's rare for boys and girls to be close at this time of the year.

If people start to talk that we might be dating, it might make things awkward for both of us.

So, although it was not decided after discussion, it was an unspoken agreement that we would treat each other as classmates, not friends, until we left the school gate.

"I thought I'd go home and read some comics."

I actually intend to pick out a gift, but with Yuzu with me, I can't calmly choose.

It would be embarrassing to be seen seriously choosing, and I think she'd be happier if I gave it to her as a surprise.

"Then we'll have a study session."

"No, I don't want a study session......."

"What, you don't want to? If you don't like it, you'll have to give up your summer vacation."

Of course I didn't want to give up my summer vacation, but her birthday was coming up. I don't have time for study sessions right now.

On the other hand, it would be tough to refuse her because of the manga.......

"I think I'll go to the mall after all."

"You don't want to study that badly?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wanted to study."

"You're so brazen. .......I'm fine with the mall for today, but you have to study, okay? When you're in make-up class, you won't have anyone to play with."

"I know.  I'll be your teacher when you study."

"Yes, I'll take care of it!"

Yuzu nodded in a good mood as they decided to spend time together.

We talked about anime as we headed to the station and boarded the train.

We get off at the nearest station and go to the shopping mall without stopping.

"So, is there anything you want?"

"Not really.  I just want to wander around."

"Right.  Then come with me shopping."


If we wander around together, I might be able to find out what Yuzu wants.

We walked through the air-conditioned building and came to the furniture section.

I missed the old days.  It reminds me of when we moved into our new house.

We looked at the cupboards and tables together and talked about how the design wasn't pretty enough, or how this size would be a problem when we had guests over.

We were so happy at that time. I thought this happiness would last forever.

But as I got busier and busier with work, we started spending less and less time together, and the stress of not being able to have fun started to build up and we started fighting more and more.

......Well, the biggest cause of the divorce was something else.

Either way, I'm not marrying Yuzu this time and I'm going to lead a life where I'm not busy with work.

Yuzu and I will probably argue, but the relationship shouldn't go cold like last time.  We will be able to talk and laugh over a cup of tea on the porch even when we are both old and grandparents.

But let's leave it at that.

Furniture is hard to give as a gift.

Even though the price has gone up by 500 yen, a high school student's allowance is not enough to afford it.

I'd like to give them something they like to maintain a good friendship, but I'm not sure if they'd want something a little more......inexpensive.

Unaware of my feelings, Yuzu sat down on the high-class sofa.

Oh, no, that sofa costs 4000 yen.......

I can't tell her that I can't buy this sofa.

"Okay, but......."

I can't afford this, I told her in my mind, and sat down on the sofa.

"How do you like it?"

"It's too expensive, I don't feel comfortable."

"Don't worry about the price.  How comfortable is it?"

"It's worth the price."

"Does the space feel right to you?"

"It's just right for the space, but......"

"I'll put it on the short list."

"Short list? You're buying a...... couch? You have a brand new one."

"It's too small for the two of us.  It was too tight the other day."

Oh, I see what you mean.

You picked it out with me in mind.

"Of course it felt small, but it's not worth replacing it."

"......Wasn't it uncomfortable for you and me to sit together?"

"It wasn't bad.  It wasn't as tight as it sounds. Because Yuzu is thin now."

"What? You make it sound like I'm going to get fat in the future."

"I didn't say that."

"You did say something close to that! Well, I've gained weight, but I've only grown taller! Unlike you, my growth spurt isn't over."

"What? You make it sound like I'm not going to grow taller in the future."

"That's what I said."

"Because this time I'm going to grow a lot! And then I'm going to physically disrespect you!"

"I'll wear heels then!"

"Heels are cheating!"

"Heels are fashionable! ......What are you doing?"

"I'm doing what you do when you come on a date in heels."

"No, I wasn't stumbling around like that!"

"You were! I remember being so worried about you! If you're not used to wearing heels, don't force them on me."

"Shut up! I thought you'd be impressed if I wore heels!

"In a way, I was glued to the floor! You never know when you're going to fall if you're not looking! I don't care if you're dressed up or not, just be safe."

"You can talk all you want, but you wore damaged jeans to our date, too.  And of all people, you wore a red painted shirt on top! I thought you got hit by a car!"

"I thought it was stylish! It was wild!"

"What's fashionable about it? It's the worst combination ever! Can you please stop foreshadowing that I'm going to get hit by a car in that place?"

"That's not foreshadowing! Also, you need to be quiet in the store."

"You're the one who said I'm going to get fat in the future."

"That's not what I meant. I didn't mean it that way. You'd better eat well so you don't get overtired in the summer."

"You too."

"Oh.  What are you going to do about the couch at......?"

"Oh, I don't think so."

We headed for the bedding section.

I wondered if they were going to buy a new bed for the two of us to sleep in.

Yuzu went through the bed and headed for the shelf lined with pillows.

"Which one do you want?"

"Which one, I don't need pillow. I just happened to sleep over the other night."

"We'll be spending every day together during the summer vacation, so you can't be sure the same thing won't happen again.  It's not expensive and it's a good idea to have it ready."

"That's fine.  Don't bother buying it."

It's not as expensive as a sofa, but it's not cheap either.

"If you don't buy it here, you'll have to sleep on my pillow again......."

"If you don't mind, I don't mind."

"I don't hate it, but... Yuzu doesn't like arm pillows, does she?"

"I don't hate it at all. Wasn't Kohei really strong?"

"I'm not. I'm training"

"You're training? You can say it well with your limp arms."

"You're not languid, are you? How can you talk about someone like that? Even you are squishy."

"I don't have skinny arms.  How can you say that about someone else? You've got flabby arms, too."

"No, I'm not! I used to be plump, but I'm a high school girl now.  I'm a high school girl and I'm toned."

"Yes, yes."

"......Don't believe me? Then touch it and see for yourself."

I didn't think I'd have to touch her, but if she sensed my nervousness, it would look like I was conscious of her.

Yuzu's eyes narrowed ticklingly as I touched her arms from above her clothes.

"How is it? Tight, aren't they?"

"To be honest, I have no idea from over my clothes."

"Do you want to......touch it directly?"

"I didn't say that.  I'll believe you're not pussyfooting around, so if you don't want something, let's go to a different store.  Don't you want something?"

"I'd like to see some clothes."

"Clothes or......."

"Why do you look like such a jerk?"

"I thought it was going to be a long day.   I'm going to be home late every time I go to the clothing store with Yuzuhana."

"It won't take that long.  It's only two hours at the most."

"That's long enough.  You should learn from my example of finishing in a few minutes.

"You're too short.  If you didn't want to look around with me, why didn't you go separately? You could have gone to the arcade or the bookstore."

"If we split up, there's no point in coming shopping together.  I'm not going picked up if we go separately."

Yuzu, who had been vexed, softened her expression at that comment.

She chuckled in resignation.

"Picking up a girl in the......women's clothing department? Besides, if you do get picked up, can you defend yourself with your skinny arms?"

"If I give it my all, I'm sure I can."

Yuzu smiled wryly.

"You're going to give it your all.  If it is...... will you protect me from pickups today?"

"I'll protect you because I have no choice.  With these muscular arms of mine."

"Yes, yes.  I'll put it that way."

We move to the women's department to help Yuzu pick out her clothes.

As I expected ...... it's going to be a long day.  She looks around carefully at the clothes without any reservation on my part, and even after almost an hour, there is no sign of her shopping being finished.

"Which one are you going to choose?"

"Ummm.......... I didn't find anything in particular that I liked.    Next it's Kohei's turn."

"I'm good."

"No, you can't.  You have to dress up.  You need to dress up.  You were wearing a weird English shirt at the zoo."

"Don't call me weird.  It's cool......."

"If you think so, translate it into Japanese.  You'll never be embarrassed to wear it again."

"What did it say......?"

"You'll learn more if you translate it yourself."

Yuzuhana is grinning, as if something really funny was written there.

I'm too scared to translate it if she makes a face like this.......

"Since you've come all this way to shop, I'll choose for you."

"No, you don't have to choose.  I don't have any allowance."

"I'm sure you still have some money left over from the zoo, don't you?"

"No, it went to comic books."

"You should plan your spending a little bit better......."

The truth is, I still have some left.

But I'm going to use that money for Yuzuhana's present.  My clothes are always fine.


The meeting ended with no decision on the gift.

The party ended with no present in sight.

After dinner at home, I browses through online shopping sites, but can't find a present that Yuzu would be truly happy with.

Just as I is about to take a bath, my mobile phone makes an electronic sound.

Yuzu has sent me a text message.

[Tell me what anime you recommend for a funny romantic comedy.]

[If it's something Yuzu doesn't seem to watch, I'd recommend Love Kano.]

[Thanks! I'll go rent it!]

[It's already dark, so be careful.]


I never thought I'd be thanked twice.  Yuzu really likes anime.

She wasn't at all interested in it at first, but under my influence, she's turned into a total geek.


I suddenly had a great idea.

I check out a shopping site and find a nice present.

"5000 yen."

It was a bit expensive for a high school student to buy a gift for a friend, but when I imagined the look of joy on Yuzu's face, I had no hesitation in buying it.